Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion
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Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion

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It is late in the summer, and as the students prepare for the new school year at Hogwarts everything seems well. Maybe a little too well....


 Nicholas Manson Riter

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Nicholas Manson Riter
Slytherin Student
Slytherin Student
Nicholas Manson Riter

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-05-30

Nicholas Manson Riter Empty
PostSubject: Nicholas Manson Riter   Nicholas Manson Riter I_icon_minitimeMon May 30, 2011 10:02 pm

Name: Nicholas Manson Riter
Age: 17
Year: Seventh Year

House: (to be added once you are sorted)
Birthdate: June 12
Blood Type: Pureblood
Likes: Sports, cooking, learning, muggle music, muggle movies, Quidditch, Ollivander's, Madam Puddifoots, Honeydukes' Sweetshop, Diagon Alley, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, nice people, mystery books, reading
Dislikes: Bratty people, pureblood marriage arrangements, clingy girls, rude guys

Strengths: Transfiguration, Charms, Muggle Studies, Defense Against Dark Arts, Potions
Weaknesses: Cleaning, Foreign Languages, Pureblood Customs, Herbology, Divination, Arithmacy, Astronomy

Family: Cosette Riter*younger sister*, Alicyn Riter*oldersister*, Meldoneena*mother*, Noah Riter*father*
Personal: His older sister, Alicyn, was eight when they accepted Cosette into their family and Nicholas was two. Nicholas wasn't old enough to know Meldoneena before she died of a drug overdose but his father, Noah, must've been in love with her and from Alicyn had said she must've been great. He loves Cosette very much and is protective over her. Alicyn is off at a muggle college far from the two. He hopes to be able to escape the wizarding world after knowing of his little sister's safety. However, he now wants to be a wizarding veterinarian. Or a dragon tamer.
Supplies:(this can be added in later) I do not know what to put here

Relationship: None
Friendships: Christopher Skits, Indigo Skits, Nyla Nelluc, Cosette Riter
Enemies: None accounted for.
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