Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion
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Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion

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It is late in the summer, and as the students prepare for the new school year at Hogwarts everything seems well. Maybe a little too well....


 Cosette Riter

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Cosette Riter
Gryffindor Student
Gryffindor Student
Cosette Riter

Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-05-19
Location : Somewhere where people stopped giving a dang a long time ago

Cosette Riter Empty
PostSubject: Cosette Riter   Cosette Riter I_icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 4:50 am

Cosette Riter SGG-086735
Name: Cosette Meldoneena Riter
Age: Fourteen
Year:Fourth Year

House: (to be added once you are sorted) Gryffindor
Birthdate: June 14
Blood Type: Pureblood

Likes: Cooking, Cleaning, House Elves, Muggle Electronics & appliances, Muggle Music, Muggle Fashions, Charms, Transfiguration, Libraries, Muggle food, Laughter, Babies, Little Kids, Helping out the sick, Nursing
Dislikes: Rotten food, Bad books, idiot jocks, Flying, Muggle tendacies and manorisms, Hippogriffs, rain
Strengths: Charms, Transfiguration, Cooking exotic dishes, Reading, Ancient Runes, Herbology, singing
Weaknesses: Divination, Potions, Arithmacy, Flying, Astronomy, playing an instrument

Family: Chrysallis Jonason*Mother*, Noah Riter*Father*, Alicyn Riter*older sister*, Nicholas Riter*older brother*, Meldoneena Riter*other mother/DECEASED*,
Personal: Noah was married to Meldoneena Jonason but at the Leaky Cauldron on Chrysallis's birthday Noah and her had an affair. Things didn't go to smoothly and in the end Noah and Meldoneena split up. After Cosette's birth Meldoneena died of a muggle drug overdose. The Jonasons' never spoke to the Riters' after her death. Alicyn and Nicholas both accepted Cosette into their family openly. However, Alicyn had been born a squib and when Cosette entered Hogwarts when she was 11 Alicyn was already off to college in the USA. Nicholas was two years older than Cosette and attends Hogwarts with her (he'll show up soon).
Supplies:(this can be added in later) 11 inches, Birch Wand, Sphinx heartstring, and several Veela hair.
Relationship: Single is Soul Food; Not.
Friendships: None in Hogwarts....yet. Dion Drew, Summeria Drew, David Edils, Sarini Rizto
Enemies: None....that have been accounted for.
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