Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion
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Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion

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It is late in the summer, and as the students prepare for the new school year at Hogwarts everything seems well. Maybe a little too well....


 Nicholas Reynolds

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Nicholas Reynolds
Divination Professor
Divination Professor
Nicholas Reynolds

Posts : 38
Age : 32
Join date : 2011-07-28
Location : Hogwarts

Nicholas Reynolds Empty
PostSubject: Nicholas Reynolds   Nicholas Reynolds I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2011 6:04 am

Full Name: Nicholas Reynolds
Nickname: Nick
Age: 19
House: Ravenclaw
Birthdate: October 14th
Blood Type: Mixed
Job: Divinations Professor

Likes: Charms, Divination, Astronomy, Numeracy, The Library, When Food Magically Appears, Quidditch, Raspberry Jam, S.P.E.W.

Dislikes: Pixies, Ghosts, Spello-Tape, Walls That Aren’t, Remembralls, Cauldron Cakes, and Treacle Tarts

Strengths: Conversation Skills, Intelligent, Quick-Witted, DADA, Charms, Apparition, Multilingual, Divination/’The Second Sight’

Weaknesses: Goes off on random longwinded speeches about subjects of which he is highly interested, Slightly abrasive, Care of Magical Creatures, Spells often do the opposite if not done properly, Herbology, Transfiguration, Art, Music, Wand is very temperamental and hard to learn with because of its core, Know it all, Slow runner, Shy, Slightly Annoying, and most definitely Potions

Family: Margaret Trelawney, Bruce Reynolds
(Great descendant of Cassandra Trelawney)

Personal: Nicholas Reynolds was looked at with great expectations by his family because the last relative to have the ‘Second Sight’ was three generations behind him. He worked really hard for everything that he got, and was smart because of it. Sure, he was antisocial but he knew almost everything about everything and always kept a leather-bound copy of ‘Hogwarts, A History’ with him just in case.
From the day he first made the cat have elephant ears, he had been obsessed with everything magical, learning as much as he could as fast as he could and now used a 11.5 inch, rigid wand made of Ivy wandwood with a fairy wing and chimera scale blended core, handed down to the seers of his bloodline.
Nicholas began having visions in his sixth year in Divination class when he was held a crystal ball and from that moment there has been a constant drone in his head of voices and sounds. Getting to sleep was also an issue, but he always took it in stride and kept on with every day.
He was quite gifted in magic because of intensive study but was always the person who people tended to hate because of his incessant hand raising and general know-it-all-ism, which would get him into trouble of which he was quite slow to escape.
He was a fair bit taller than most males and had dirty blonde hair, and some hair on his face to boot. He did not really care about his appearance and with his intensive study, barely found time to eat and therefore was a little more than skeletal in appearance.
His entire family had been placed in Ravenclaw, and before that, his descendant was a Royal of Troy who was cursed by Apollo so none would believe her predictions after he himself gave her the gift.
Nicholas was offered the teaching position at Hogwarts during the final months of his last year at the school. His gift was rare, and many times the Divinations professors did not have it.
It had taken quite the while for Nicholas to get used to the fact that he would be teaching a group of his peers, but he had now grown to love it. He wasn't an easy teacher by far, but he definitely liked his classes to have fun.
As frail and unaware as Nicholas may seem, he is quite the difficult teacher, expecting knowledge up to par with his.. Other than that, he secretly conjures sweets for the good students every once in a while.

  • Length: 11.5 inch
  • Wandwood: Ivy
  • Core: Fairy Wing & Chimera Scale
  • Flexibility: Rigid

Last edited by Nicholas Reynolds on Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:15 am; edited 7 times in total
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