Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion
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Hogwarts: The Final Conclusion

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It is late in the summer, and as the students prepare for the new school year at Hogwarts everything seems well. Maybe a little too well....


 Cason Anderson

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Cason Anderson
Cason Anderson

Posts : 143
Join date : 2011-03-31

Cason Anderson Empty
PostSubject: Cason Anderson   Cason Anderson I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 31, 2011 8:38 am

Full Name: Cason Michael Anderson
Nickname: Case
Age: 20
House: Gryffindor
Birthdate: August 12th
Blood Type: Pure
Job: Death Eater Only

Likes: Books, Bright Clothes, Colored Contacts, Hexes
Dislikes: Mushy Romantic Stuff, White Chocolate, Muggleborns (very traditional)
Strengths: Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against The Dark Arts
Weaknesses: Potions, Divination, Potions, Potions

Family: Has a rapist father and his mother died. Has younger twin siblings, Emilie and Mason.
Personal: Generally is a very quirky person, he has been trained as a snatcher and never understood women. He is very scientific about sex and understands how it works. He just never had the experience of it.

He was attacked by his sister at one point and put her in an insane asylum, then marked both his younger siblings to make sure they never spoke of him.

He forced them to do whatever to make sure no one ever learned of Emilie's past as a homicidal maniac!

Wand: 11 Inch, Willow, Dragon Heartstring Core
Pet: Snake named Zeether

Friends: Aluin Destan
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